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Management Consulting

AZCA serves as a catalyst – advising clients in the development of effective international strategies. More importantly, we play an active role through every step of the business development process to ensure and expedite their successful implementation.

  • Plan R&D strategies and new business strategies utilizing U.S. infrastructure and ecosystems

  • Consideration of strategic business alliances to implement these above strategies

  • Advice on building and operating an R&D base in the United States

  • Search and identify US companies that possess specific technology

  • Search and evaluation of investment projects including acquisitions and mergers of US companies

  • Feasibility study on entering the North American market

  • Establishment of US branch and representative office, and operational support

  • Advice and support regarding restructuring of US subsidiary


In order to carry out our professional work effectively, we carefully consider the client company's international business objectives and prepare for the launch of the project while fully confirming mutual understanding.

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Our company's distinctive feature is that we not only assist in strategic planning from an objective standpoint, but also work together with client companies to implement those plans. For example, a strategic partnership project with a leading American company for the purpose of new business development would proceed as follows.

  1. Understand and confirm the new business objectives

  2. Consideration of items necessary to achieve new business objectives. For example, the required technology, the type of business partnership, and the criteria for selecting a partner

  3. Bilateral discussions with client companies

  4. Search and identify US companies that possess the relevant technology

  5. Evaluate and select the identified companies based on the selection criteria

  6. Participate in business partnership negotiations and support the establishment of partnership relationships

  7. Follow-up as necessary after establishing partnership

Examples of activities for clients in Japan

We have helped many client companies develop their businesses, and share some examples of recent projects for Japanese clients.

  • Trends in the system integration field in the United States, feasibility study and strategy planning for introduction to Japan

  • Strategic planning in the cybersecurity field, introduction of advanced US technology

  • Planning new businesses based on digital transformation and introducing cutting-edge US solutions

  • Establishment of a joint venture with an American venture company in the field of information and communication systems

  • Establishment of a joint venture in Japan with a Canadian company in the fuel cell field

  • Joint development with US companies in the field of wireless LAN and business development in the US market

  • New business development using new applications of blockchain

  • Survey of trends in US advanced technology in medical-related fields and introduction to Japan

  • Development of cryogenic refrigerator systems in the U.S. market

  • R&D strategy planning support in new energy/environmental technology and electronics fields

  • Planning strategy for entering the U.S. market for unmanned helicopter business

  • Feasibility study and strategic planning for business development in the US market through spin-off of in-house technology

Residency Program

AZCA goes one step further than regular consulting support and offers the AZCA Residency Program, which supports new business development and develops globally competitive human resources for ambitious companies that aim to develop new businesses by utilizing the Silicon Valley innovation ecosystem. In this program, talented and promising staff members dispatched from your company will be stationed at the AZCA office for a certain period of time, and by being immersed in the Silicon Valley innovation ecosystem, they will receive direct guidance and support from AZCA and will not only develop new business strategies, but also learn about the infrastructure of American venture companies, explore and evaluate the seeds of new businesses, and even enter into strategic alliances.

Venture Incubation

AZCA offers the "AZCA Venture Incubation Program" to foster Japanese ventures in the Silicon Valley innovation ecosystem. This program covers both of the following cases:

  1. Cases where a Japanese company's internal project is carved out and developed into a venture company in Silicon Valley

  2. Creating a Silicon Valley base for a venture company founded in Japan and supporting and nurturing it, including fundraising, as necessary.

In either case, the venture will be based in AZCA's Menlo Park office and will receive appropriate support and guidance from AZCA to help it grow.

The program director will be Zak Murase (Partner).

Corporate Venture Studio

In recent years, an increasing number of large companies have set quantitative sales targets for new business within a deadline in medium-term business plans, etc., and the new businesses of large companies are entering a phase where results are increasingly required. Against this background, in order to promote new business development, many large companies not only launch new businesses from scratch, but also engage in initiatives centered on CVC and venture capital LP investments, as well as M&A. However, the current situation is that many of these activities do not lead to the desired creation of new revenue pillars or core growth strategies for the company.


Behind this problem can be structural issues such as the absence of a clear growth strategy through new businesses in large companies, a lack of commitment from management, a lack of motivation among those in charge of promoting new businesses, and/or a lack of networks with the startup community. 


AZCA Venture Studio (AVS), Corporate Venture Studio by AZCA, proposes a new structure called a "Corporate Venture Studio" as a prescription for addressing and solving these new business development challenges.


"Corporate Venture Studio" does not rely on in-house new business development, CVC, M&A, etc., but rather focuses on a clear growth strategy through new business. It is a vehicle that carries out new business development, CVC, M&A, and other new business methods. ​

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At AZCA Venture Studio, rather than relying on our own new business development, CVC, M&A, or other methods, we focus on a clear growth strategy for new businesses and then implement new business methods such as 0→1 new business development, CVC, M&A, etc.

For more information, please contact Zak MURASE (

Strategic Partnering

Specializing in the Asia Pacific region, AZCA provides management consulting and investment banking services to clients worldwide. We enable our clients to keep pace with global dynamics through our expertise in conducting business and achieving results in the international marketplace. Our analytical techniques, together with our experience in the workings of each country’s business infrastructure, are instrumental to our clients’ success.​

Formulating international strategies for Japan and other Asia-Pacific markets

  • Market/product opportunity and feasibility studies

  • Technology searches and evaluations

  • Competitive company analyses

  • Restoration of existing operations in local markets

  • Comprehensive strategies for entering local markets


Implementing business models and partnership arrangements to meet specific objectives

  • Technology licensing

  • Jointly-sponsored R&D programs

  • Product development or localization arrangements

  • Manufacturing and distribution agreements

  • Joint-venture companies

  • Wholly-owned subsidiaries in local markets


Defining and implementing financing strategies

  • Securing funding from corporate investors

  • Assessing strategic investment opportunities in local markets

  • Arranging mergers and acquisitions

  • Arranging leveraged buyouts

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